主演:马克思·雷迈特 CorneliaGr?schel KatiaFellin ClaudeHeinrich KarinHanczewski MartinBrambach
类型:剧情 犯罪
The convicted Louis Bürger is suspected of killing a motorcycle policeman with a baseball bat. Despite his claims of innocence, he is arrested and detained. However, with the help of his wife, he managed to escape and the family wanted to move to Croatia. Gorniak and Winkler put him in front of the home where his son currently still lives. There is a hostage-taking. (Written by Hexer71, IMDb)作为一对年轻的父母,路易斯和安娜希望他们即将开始稳定的新生活,然而和他们住同栋公寓的一名警察发现被杀害,调查人员在现场发现了路易斯的血迹,并且由于路易斯有毒品交易的犯罪前科,德累斯顿专员戈尼亚克和温克勒进行调查时,他很快受到怀疑,并因此被逮捕拘留。然而路易斯的妻子并不相信这一指控,于是她趁机将路易斯从医院救出,夫妻二人认为他们到了走投无路的地步,决定赶往儿童之家接他们12岁的儿子蒂姆,并计划逃到克罗地亚开始新生活。然而与此同时警察专员也赶到了儿童之家,一场逃亡意外发展成了人质劫持,警察专员一方面制定策略企图缓和局势;另一方面,真正的凶手也浮出水面......