


主演:亚历山德鲁·波托切安 安迪·瓦斯卢亚努 OlimpiaMălai 尼科丁·恩古里亚努 克劳迪娅·耶利米亚 NicodimUngureanu



The screenplay, written by Jude, will explore the relationship between the individual and society by showing what happens when a young secondary-school teacher (Katia Pascariu) posts an amateur porn clip on a website. The consequences of this decision will affect her life deeply.Producer Ada Solomon tells Cineuropa that the production process had to be changed completely because of the pandemic. Originally planned for a mid-autumn shoot, the project was moved almost two months earlier when it became clear at the beginning of the summer that the pandemic was here to stay. “Thanks to the responsible attitude of our director, we shot the film safely, with a limited crew and moving the main location from inside to outside. We also decided to integrate the pandemic situation into the story and have the ensemble of actors wear masks on screen,” the producer explained, stressing that the Romanian authorities have not implemented any kind of support for film production under new health regulations.Jude explains his approach to his new feature by adding a subtitle, Sketch for a Popular Film, to the film’s main title. “If the title is pretty straightforward, the subtitle deserves a more detailed explanation. Malraux wrote somewhere, 'Delacroix, although he used to say that a finished painting is indeed superior to a sketch, preserved many of his sketches, considering them pieces of art as significant as some of his best paintings.' I drew a lot of meaning from this idea, and I decided to apply it to cinema, exploring what it would be like to make a film similar to a sketch, left unfinished and crude.”