
by L. Frank Baum

My friends the children are responsible for this new "Oz Book," asthey were for the last one, which was called The Land of Oz. Theirsweet little letters plead to know "more about Dorothy"; and they ask:"What became of the Cowardly Lion?" and "What did Ozma doafterward?"--meaning, of course, after she became the Ruler of Oz.And some of them suggest plots to me, saying: "Please have Dorothy goto the Land of Oz again"; or, "Why don't you make Ozma and Dorothymeet, and have a good time together?" Indeed, could I do all that mylittle friends ask, I would be obliged to write dozens of books tosatisfy their demands. And I wish I could, for I enjoy writing thesestories just as much as the children say they enjoy reading them.

Well, here is "more about Dorothy," and about our old friends theScarecrow and the Tin Woodman, and about the Cowardly Lion, and Ozma,and all the rest of them; and here, likewise, is a good deal aboutsome new folks that are queer and unusual. One little friend, whoread this story before it was printed, said to me: "Billina is REALOZZY, Mr. Baum, and so are Tiktok and the Hungry Tiger."

If this judgment is unbiased and correct, and the little folks findthis new story "real Ozzy," I shall be very glad indeed that I wroteit. But perhaps I shall get some more of those very welcome lettersfrom my readers, telling me just how they like "Ozma of Oz." I hopeso, anyway.