Chapter 90 - Conclusion

On going home, the two friends found a letter from Athos,who desired them to meet him at the Grand Charlemagne on thefollowing day.

The friends went to bed early, but neither of them slept.When we arrive at the summit of our wishes, success hasusually the power to drive away sleep on the first nightafter the fulfilment of long cherished hopes.

The next day at the appointed hour they went to see Athosand found him and Aramis in traveling costume.

"What!" cried Porthos, "are we all going away, then? I, so,have made my preparations this morning."

"Oh, heavens! yes," said Aramis. "There's nothing to do inParis now there's no Fronde. The Duchess de Longueville hasinvited me to pass a few days in Normandy, and has deputedme, while her son is being baptized, to go and prepare herresidence at Rouen; after which, if nothing new occurs, Ishall go and bury myself in my convent at Noisy-le-Sec."

"And I," said Athos, "am returning to Bragelonne. You know,dear D'Artagnan, I am nothing more than a good honestcountry gentleman. Raoul has no fortune other than Ipossess, poor child! and I must take care of it for him,since I only lend him my name."

"And Raoul - what shall you do with him?"

"I leave him with you, my friend. War has broken out inFlanders. You shall take him with you there. I am afraidthat remaining at Blois would be dangerous to his youthfulmind. Take him and teach him to be as brave and loyal as youare yourself."

"Then," replied D'Artagnan, "though I shall not have you,Athos, at all events I shall have that dear fair-haired headby me; and though he's but a boy, yet, since your soul livesagain in him, dear Athos, I shall always fancy that you arenear me, sustaining and encouraging me."

The four friends embraced with tears in their eyes.

Then they departed, without knowing whether they would eversee each other again.

D'Artagnan returned to the Rue Tiquetonne with Porthos,still possessed by the wish to find out who the man was thathe had killed. On arriving at the Hotel de la Chevrette theyfound the baron's equipage all really and Musqueton on hissaddle.

"Come, D'Artagnan," said Porthos, "bid adieu to your swordand go with me to Pierrefonds, to Bracieux, or to Du Vallon.We will grow old together and talk of our companions."

"No!" replied D'Artagnan, "deuce take it, the campaign isgoing to begin; I wish to be there, I expect to getsomething by it."

"What do you expect to get?"

"Why, I expect to be made Marechal of France!"

"Ha! ha!" cried Porthos, who was not completely taken in byD'Artagnan's Gasconades.

"Come my brother, go with me," added D'Artagnan, "and I willsee that you are made a duke!"

"No," answered Porthos, "Mouston has no desire to fight;besides, they have erected a triumphal arch for me to entermy barony, which will kill my neighbors with envy."

"To that I can say nothing," returned D'Artagnan, who knewthe vanity of the new baron. "Then, here's to our next merrymeeting!"

"Adieu, dear captain," said Porthos, "I shall always behappy to welcome you to my barony."

"Yes, yes, when the campaign is over," replied the Gascon.

"His honor's equipage is waiting," said Musqueton.

The two friends, after a cordial pressure of the hands,separated. D'Artagnan was standing at the door looking afterPorthos with a mournful gaze, when the baron, after walkingscarcely more than twenty paces, returned - stood still - struck his forehead with his finger and exclaimed:

"I recollect!"

"What?" inquired D'Artagnan.

"Who the beggar was that I killed."

"Ah! indeed! and who was he?"

"'Twas that low fellow, Bonancieux."

And Porthos, enchanted at having relieved his mind, rejoinedMusqueton and they disappeared around an angle of thestreet. D'Artagnan stood for an instant, mute, pensive andmotionless; then, as he went in, he saw the fair Madeleine,his hostess, standing on the threshold.

"Madeleine," said the Gascon, "give me your apartment on thefirst floor; now that I am a captain in the royal musketeersI must make an appearance; nevertheless, reserve my old roomon the fifth story for me; one never knows what may happen."