Chapter 38 - How, Wihtout Incommoding Himself, Athos Procures Hia Equipment

D'Artagnan was so completely bewildered that without takingany heed of what might become of Kitty he ran at full speedacross half Paris, and did not stop till he came to Athos'sdoor. The confusion of his mind, the terror which spurredhim on, the cries of some of the patrol who started inpursuit of him, and the hooting of the people who,notwithstanding the early hour, were going to their work,only made him precipitate his course.

He crossed the court, ran up the two flights to Athos'sapartment, and knocked at the door enough to break it down.

Grimaud came, rubbing his half-open eyes, to answer thisnoisy summons, and D'Artagnan sprang with such violence intothe room as nearly to overturn the astonished lackey.

In spite of his habitual silence, the poor lad this timefound his speech.

"Holloa, there!" cried he; "what do you want, you strumpet?What's your business here, you hussy?"

D'Artagnan threw off his hood, and disengaged his hands fromthe folds of the cloak. At sight of the mustaches and thenaked sword, the poor devil perceived he had to deal with aman. He then concluded it must be an assassin.

"Help! murder! help!" cried he.

"Hold your tongue, you stupid fellow!" said the young man; "I amD'Artagnan; don't you know me? Where is your master?"

"You, Monsieur D'Artagnan!" cried Grimaud, "impossible."

"Grimaud," said Athos, coming out of his apartment in adressing gown, "Grimaud, I thought I heard you permittingyourself to speak?"

"Ah, monsieur, it is - "


Grimaud contented himself with pointing D'Artagnan out tohis master with his finger.

Athos recognized his comrade, and phlegmatic as he was, heburst into a laugh which was quite excused by the strangemasquerade before his eyes - petticoats falling over hisshoes, sleeves tucked up, and mustaches stiff withagitation.

"Don't laugh, my friend!" cried D'Artagnan; "for heaven'ssake, don't laugh, for upon my soul, it's no laughingmatter!"

And he pronounced these words with such a solemn air andwith such a real appearance of terror, that Athos eagerlyseized his hand, crying, "Are you wounded, my friend? Howpale you are!"

"No, but I have just met with a terrible adventure! Are youalone, Athos?"

"PARBLEU! whom do you expect to find with me at this hour?"

"Well, well!" and D'Artagnan rushed into Athos's chamber.

"Come, speak!" said the latter, closing the door and boltingit, that they might not be disturbed. "Is the king dead?Have you killed the cardinal? You are quite upset! Come,come, tell me; I am dying with curiosity and uneasiness!"

"Athos," said D'Artagnan, getting rid of his femalegarments, and appearing in his shirt, "prepare yourself tohear an incredible, an unheard-of story."

"Well, but put on this dressing gown first," said theMusketeer to his friend.

D'Artagnan donned the robe as quickly as he could, mistakingone sleeve for the other, so greatly was he still agitated.

"Well?" said Athos.

"Well," replied D'Artagnan, bending his mouth to Athos'sear, and lowering his voice, "Milady is marked with aFLEUR-DE-LIS upon her shoulder!"

"Ah!" cried the Musketeer, as if he had received a ball inhis heart.

"Let us see," said D'Artagnan. "Are you SURE that the OTHERis dead?"

"THE OTHER?" said Athos, in so stifled a voice thatD'Artagnan scarcely heard him.

"Yes, she of whom you told me one day at Amiens."

Athos uttered a groan, and let his head sink on his hands.

"This is a woman of twenty-six or twenty-eight years."

"Fair," said Athos, "is she not?"


"Blue and clear eyes, of a strange brilliancy, with blackeyelids and eyebrows?"


"Tall, well-made? She has lost a tooth, next to theeyetooth on the left?"


"The FLEUR-DE-LIS is small, rosy in color, and looks as ifefforts had been made to efface it by the application ofpoultices?"


"But you say she is English?"

"She is called Milady, but she may be French. Lord deWinter is only her brother-in-law,"

"I will see her, D'Artagnan!"

"Beware, Athos, beware. You tried to kill her; she is awoman to return you the like, and not to fail."

"She will not dare to say anything; that would be todenounce herself."

"She is capable of anything or everything. Did you ever seeher furious?"

"No," said Athos.

"A tigress, a panther! Ah, my dear Athos, I am greatlyafraid I have drawn a terrible vengeance on both of us!"

D'Artagnan then related all - the mad passion of Milady andher menaces of death.

"You are right; and upon my soul, I would give my life for ahair," said Athos. "Fortunately, the day after tomorrow weleave Paris. We are going according to all probability toLa Rochelle, and once gone - "

"She will follow you to the end of the world, Athos, if sherecognizes you. Let her, then, exhaust her vengeance on mealone!"

"My dear friend, of what consequence is it if she kills me?"said Athos. "Do you, perchance, think I set any great storeby life?"

"There is something horribly mysterious under all this,Athos; this woman is one of the cardinal's spies, I am sureof that."

"In that case, take care! If the cardinal does not hold youin high admiration for the affair of London, he entertains agreat hatred for you; but as, considering everything, hecannot accuse you openly, and as hatred must be satisfied,particularly when it's a cardinal's hatred, take care ofyourself. If you go out, do not go out alone; when you eat,use every precaution. Mistrust everything, in short, evenyour own shadow."

"Fortunately," said D'Artagnan, "all this will be onlynecessary till after tomorrow evening, for when once withthe army, we shall have, I hope, only men to dread."

"In the meantime," said Athos, "I renounce my plan ofseclusion, and wherever you go, I will go with you. Youmust return to the Rue des Fossoyeurs; I will accompanyyou."

"But however near it may be," replied D'Artagnan, "I cannotgo thither in this quise."

"That's true," said Athos, and he rang the bell.

Grimaud entered.

Athos made him a sign to go to D'Artagnan's residence, andbring back some clothes. Grimaud replied by another signthat be understood perfectly, and set off.

"All this will not advance your outfit," said Athos; "for ifI am not mistaken, you have left the best of your apparelwith Milady, and she will certainly not have the politenessto return it to you. Fortunately, you have the sapphire."

"The jewel is yours, my dear Athos! Did you not tell me itwas a family jewel?"

"Yes, my grandfather gave two thousand crowns for it, as heonce told me. It formed part of the nuptial present he madehis wife, and it is magnificent. My mother gave it to me,and I, fool as I was, instead of keeping the ring as a holyrelic, gave it to this wretch."

"Then, my friend, take back this ring, to which I see youattach much value."

"I take back the ring, after it has passed through the handsof that infamous creature Never; that ring is defiled,D'Artagnan.

"Sell it, then."

"Sell a jewel which came from my mother! I vow I shouldconsider it a profanation."

"Pledge it, then; you can borrow at least a thousand crownson it. With that sum you can extricate yourself from yourpresent difficulties; and when you are full of money again,you can redeem it, and take it back cleansed from itsancient stains, as it will have passed through the hands ofusurers."

Athos smiled.

"You are a capital companion, D'Artagnan," said be; "yournever-failing cheerfulness raises poor souls in affliction.Well, let us pledge the ring, but upon one condition."


"That there shall be five hundred crowns for you, and fivehundred crowns for me."

"Don't dream it, Athos. I don't need the quarter of such asum - I who am still only in the Guards - and by selling mysaddles, I shall procure it. What do I want? A horse forPlanchet, that's all. Besides, you forget that I have aring likewise."

"To which you attach more value, it seems, than I do tomine; at least, I have thought so."

"Yes, for in any extreme circumstance it might not onlyextricate us from some great embarrassment, but even a greatdanger. It is not only a valuable diamond, but it is anenchanted talisman."

"I don't at all understand you, but I believe all you say tobe true. Let us return to my ring, or rather to yours. Youshall take half the sum that will be advanced upon it, or Iwill throw it into the Seine; and I doubt, as was the casewith Polycrates, whether any fish will be sufficientlycomplaisant to bring it back to us."

"Well, I will take it, then," said D'Artagnan.

At this moment Grimaud returned, accompanied by Planchet;the latter, anxious about his master and curious to knowwhat had happened to him, had taken advantage of theopportunity and brought the garments himself.

D'Artagnan dressed himself, and Athos did the same. Whenthe two were ready to go out, the latter made Grimaud thesign of a man taking aim, and the lackey immediately tookdown his musketoon, and prepared to follow his master.

They arrived without accident at the Rue des Fossoyeurs.Bonacieux was standing at the door, and looked at D'Artagnanhatefully.

"Make haste, dear lodger," said he; "there is a very prettygirl waiting for you upstairs; and you know women don't liketo be kept waiting."

"That's Kitty!" said D'Artagnan to himself, and darted intothe passage.

Sure enough! Upon the landing leading to the chamber, andcrouching against the door, he found the poor girl, all in atremble. As soon as she perceived him, she cried, "You havepromised your protection; you have promised to save me fromher anger. Remember, it is you who have ruined me!"

"Yes, yes, to be sure, Kitty," said D'Artagnan; "be at ease,my girl. But what happened after my departure?"

"How can I tell!" said Kitty. "The lackeys were brought bythe cries she made. She was mad with passion. There existno imprecations she did not pour out against you. Then Ithought she would remember it was through my chamber you hadpenetrated hers, and that then she would suppose I was youraccomplice; so I took what little money I had and the bestof my things, and I got away.

"Poor dear girl! But what can I do with you? I am goingaway the day after tomorrow."

"Do what you please, Monsieur Chevalier. Help me out ofParis; help me out of France!"

"I cannot take you, however, to the siege of La Rochelle,"aid D'Artagnan.

"No; but you can place me in one of the provinces with somelady of your acquaintance - in your own country, forinstance."

"My dear little love! In my country the ladies do withoutchambermaids. But stop! I can manage your business foryou. Planchet, go and find Aramis. Request him to comehere directly. We have something very important to say tohim."

"I understand," said Athos; "but why not Porthos? I shouldhave thought that his duchess - "

"Oh, Porthos's duchess is dressed by her husband's clerks,"said D'Artagnan, laughing. "Besides, Kitty would not liketo live in the Rue aux Ours. Isn't it so, Kitty?"

"I do not care where I live," said Kitty, "provided I amwell concealed, and nobody knows where I am."

"Meanwhile, Kitty, when we are about to separate, and youare no longer jealous of me - "

"Monsieur Chevalier, far off or near," said Kitty, "I shallalways love you."

"Where the devil will constancy niche itself next?" murmuredAthos.

"And I, also," said D'Artagnan, "I also. I shall alwayslove you; be sure of that. But now answer me. I attachgreat importance to the question I am about to put to you.Did you never hear talk of a young woman who was carried offone night?"

"There, now! Oh, Monsieur Chevalier, do you love that womanstill?"

"No, no; it is one of my friends who loves her - MonsieurAthos, this gentleman here."

"I?" cried Athos, with an accent like that of a man whoperceives he is about to tread upon an adder.

"You, to be sure!" said D'Artagnan, pressing Athos's hand."You know the interest we both take in this poor littleMadame Bonacieux. Besides, Kitty will tell nothing; willyou, Kitty? You understand, my dear girl," continuedD'Artagnan, "she is the wife of that frightful baboon yousaw at the door as you came in."

"Oh, my God! You remind me of my fright! If he should haveknown me again!"

"How? know you again? Did you ever see that man before?"

"He came twice to Milady's."

"That's it. About what time?"

"Why, about fifteen or eighteen days ago."

"Exactly so."

"And yesterday evening he came again."

"Yesterday evening?"

"Yes, just before you came."

"My dear Athos, we are enveloped in a network of spies. Anddo you believe he knew you again, Kitty?"

"I pulled down my hood as soon as I saw him, but perhaps itwas toolate."

"Go down, Athos - he mistrusts you less than me - and see if hebe still at his door."

Athos went down and returned immediately.

"He has gone," said he, "and the house door is shut."

"He has gone to make his report, and to say that all thepigeons are at this moment in the dovecot"

"Well, then, let us all fly," said Athos, "and leave nobodyhere but Planchet to bring us news."

"A minute. Aramis, whom we have sent for!"

"That's true," said Athos; "we must wait for Aramis."

At that moment Aramis entered.

The matter was all explained to him, and the friends gavehim to understand that among all his high connections hemust find a place for Kitty.

Aramis reflected for a minute, and then said, coloring,"Will it be really rendering you a service, D'Artagnan?"

"I shall be grateful to you all my life."

"Very well. Madame de Bois-Tracy asked me, for one of herfriends who resides in the provinces, I believe, for atrustworthy maid. If you can, my dear D'Artagnan, answerfor Mademoiselle-"

"Oh, monsieur, be assured that I shall be entirely devotedto the person who will give me the means of quitting Paris."

"Then," said Aramis, "this falls out very well."

He placed himself at the table and wrote a little note whichhe sealed with a ring, and gave the billet to Kitty.

"And now, my dear girl," said D'Artagnan, "you know that itis not good for any of us to be here. Therefore let usseparate. We shall meet again in better days."

"And whenever we find each other, in whatever place it maybe," said Kitty, "you will find me loving you as I love youtoday."

"Dicers' oaths!" said Athos, while D'Artagnan went toconduct Kitty downstairs.

An instant afterward the three young men separated, agreeingto meet again at four o'clock with Athos, and leavingPlanchet to guard the house.

Aramis returned home, and Athos and D'Artagnan busiedthemselves about pledging the sapphire.

As the Gascon had foreseen, they easily obtained threehundred pistoles on the ring. Still further, the Jew toldthem that if they would sell it to him, as it would make amagnificent pendant for earrings, he would give five hundredpistoles for it.

Athos and D'Artagnan, with the activity of two soldiers andthe knowledge of two connoisseurs, hardly required threehours to purchase the entire equipment of the Musketeer.Besides, Athos was very easy, and a noble to his fingers'ends. When a thing suited him he paid the price demanded,without thinking to ask for any abatement. D'Artagnan wouldhave remonstrated at this; but Athos put his hand upon hisshoulder, with a smile, and D'Artagnan understood that itwas all very well for such a little Gascon gentleman ashimself to drive a bargain, but not for a man who had thebearing of a prince. The Musketeer met with a superbAndalusian horse, black as jet, nostrils of fire, legs cleanand elegant, rising six years. He examined him, and foundhim sound and without blemish. They asked a thousand livresfor him.

He might perhaps have been bought for less; but whileD'Artagnan was discussing the price with the dealer, Athoswas counting out the money on the table.

Grimaud had a stout, short Picard cob, which cost threehundred livres.

But when the saddle and arms for Grimaud were purchased,Athos had not a son left of his hundred and fifty pistoles.D'Artagnan offered his friend a part of his share which heshould return when convenient.

But Athos only replied to this proposal by shrugging hisshoulders.

"How much did the Jew say he would give for the sapphire ifbe purchased it?" said Athos.

"Five hundred pistoles."

"That is to say, two hundred more - a hundred pistoles for youand a hundred pistoles for me. Well, now, that would be areal fortune to us, my friend; let us go back to the Jew'sagain."

"What! "will you - "

"This ring would certainly only recall very bitterremembrances; then we shall never be masters of threehundred pistoles to redeem it, so that we really should losetwo hundred pistoles by the bargain. Go and tell him thering is his, D'Artagnan, and bring back the two hundredpistoles with you."

"Reflect, Athos!"

"Ready money is needful for the present time, and we mustlearn how to make sacrifices. Go, D'Artagnan, go; Grimaudwill accompany you with his musketoon."

A half hour afterward, D'Artagnan returned with the twothousand livres, and without having met with any accident.

It was thus Athos found at home resources which he did notexpect.