





Thom Andersen is a filmmaker, film critic and teacher.  Andersen attended the University of California, Berkeley in the early 1960s and then returned to his hometown of Los Angeles to attend USC School of Cinematic Arts, where he studied with Arthur Knight and eventually assisted on Knight's project The History of Sex in Cinema. While at USC Andersen met long-time friend and collaborator Morgan Fisher, who assisted on Andersen's student film Melting, a portrait of a sundae. He regularly attended local screening series including shows by the Trak Film Group and Movies Round Midnight and famously wrote about an unpopular screening of Andy Warhol's Sleep. After USC, Andersen attended UCLA and completed his experimental documentaries Olivia's Place and Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer. During the 1970s, his films screened at Los Angeles' Theatre Vanguard and Berkeley's Pacific Film Archive. He was the programmer for LA Filmforum in Los Angeles during the late 90's.  Andersen's film Los Angeles Plays Itself won the National Film Board Award for Best Documentary at the 2003 Vancouver International Film Festival, was voted best documentary of 2004 by the Village Voice Critic's Poll and was voted one of the Top Ten Films of the Decade by critics at Cinema Scope. In 2010 he completed Get Out of the Car, a portrait of signs and abandoned spaces set to Los Angeles music. In spring 2012, Andersen took part in the three-month exposition of Whitney Biennial.  He has taught at the SUNY Buffalo and Ohio State University and currently teaches film theory and history at the California Institute of the Arts. He lives in a two-bedroom modernist house designed by the architect Rudolf Schindler.